About Us

We will represent your brand to find you the best fit and help you navigate the maze of celebrity endorsements

Celebrity endorsements saw a

44% rise in 2021

Approx 90% brands

don’t have an advisory and negotiate for themselves

D2C market is estimated to reach

$100 Billion by 2025

In the beginning, there were brands and then there were celebrities. The landscape has always been dynamic but it also presents opportunities if you know where to look. Celebrity endorsements and partnerships have been a longstanding tradition in the world of branding and marketing. Celebrities always have a team of agents and managers to negotiate the best deals on their behalf. However, most brands don't have this luxury and often have to rely on their own internal teams, who may not have much experience in the field of celebrity endorsements. This can be especially challenging as the landscape of celebrity partnerships is constantly changing, with both party’s having different needs and preferences for equity, fees, or a combination of both.

At Thriverse, we understand the importance of experienced advisors in navigating this complex and ever-changing terrain. We strive to even the playing field by empowering brands with the negotiation power and expertise they need to secure successful celebrity partnerships.

Thriverse will represent your brand to find you the best fit and help you navigate the maze of celebrity endorsements.