Why us


of team experience

300+ Celebrity

partnerships executed

INR 250 CR

endorsement values managed

Our process


Our approach begins with collaborating closely with you to understand your brand's ethos, aims, and intended audience. We do this by using a detailed questionnaire to collect essential information. This is followed by an extensive research process to identify prospective celebrity endorsers who are available and fit your brand's needs. Our analysis includes evaluating their past endorsements, public persona, upcoming projects, and social media presence. Subsequently, we present you with a well-curated list of options, ensuring that the final selection is in complete alignment with your brand's vision.


After you have shortlisted your preferred celebrity endorser, we utilize our expertise to negotiate and secure the best possible deal for your brand. Our negotiation strategy covers not only the fee but also overhead costs and principal terms to ensure a fair agreement for all parties. Our goal is to secure a deal that benefits your brand while working with the celebrity of your choice.


We negotiate and finalize a contract that includes all essential information, such as renewals, indemnities, FROFs, and other terms. Our team simplifies the contract to ensure a smooth signing process, while making sure that all terms and conditions are clearly defined and agreed upon to prevent any ambiguity that may cause complications in the future.


Our team manages all aspects of the campaign execution, which includes scheduling, approvals, and communication with celebrities and all other parties involved. We oversee the coordination of all appearances, whether in-person or virtual, and guarantee timely delivery of all promotional materials, including the agreed-upon number of engagements and social media posts. Our goal is to ensure that the campaign runs smoothly and that your brand's objectives are met.